Friday, May 20, 2011

Thoughts About Ealier Thinking

When I came into this philosophy class I thought it was going ot be really hard but that it would make me think a whole lot. At first it was kind of hard because we did stuff in the philosophy text book and it was so hard to understrand and we had these pop quizes that I would always fail and these blogs that I would just bullshit on... but then the class got more chill. we started reading these interesitng books that I would kind of sorta read... and moviess that were really good. like "The Road".  soooo yeaa the class got more fun. I liked the discussions but sometimes I thought they were pointless because I already knew that are whole class wouldn't agree on anything...
 so yea that was my early thinking on the class..
I don't really know what to say about earlier thinking on life.... on a deep perspective... I havnen't really changed.
actually i love him
we're getting married. he knows it.... we have planned what are house is going to look like... I want to live in Miami but he wants to live in New York..... He's gonnn abe this hot engineer dude and I'm gonna be this hot doctor....

soooo yeaaa.. obviously I have matured.... but everything I have ever believed in or have valued has not changed.....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Surrounded by Cuckoos, but I was the crazy one

I don't know what this fuckin means...If someone else is a Cuckoo.... then how am i the crazy i crazy because i am not a cuckooo... i would not want to be a cuckoo anyway..

although when I first read this topic i thought of this song called Dark Blue by  Jack Mannequin.... He says "Dark Blue , Dark Blue, Have you ever been alone in a crowded room."
 so in a way.... I think I know , Mr. McCarthy, what you want me to write about.. Like if i was ever in a place where everyone thinks something different even though I might be right but I'm the weird one..... Yea i just don't know how to write about that.... sorryyyy.


When I think about Together.. honestly I think about relationships... but I am not about to put my fuckin business out here.. lol...I don't think  about my family... which is probably be what most people think of... my family is never together.... so I can't write about that... I guess the second thing I thing I think about are all my close friends... the people I enjoy being with, and If we weren't Together, I don't know what I would do...These people would be my bestttttttttt girl firend Darbe.. we've been friends since Kindergarten and I can't imagine life without her... we are veryy alike in alot of ways but we still are somewhat opposites... I know that makes no type of since... but it's true. She moved away when I was in 3rd grade... but we still keep in touch... the second person I am closest too is my friend Davis... we met when we dated.. ahaha.. I guess you can say he was my first "love" ... we are not together anymore but we were mature enough to stay really cool. we tell each other everything and he knows more about me then most people do but most importantly he keeps me in my place....Its hard to say who the rest of my close friends are in a ranking order.... but those two people are basically my life....  i cam't forget about my good friend. FOR EXAMPLE. JESSICA VALESQUES . i doubt thats how you spell her last name.. i just call her Jess.. lol she takes 6th period philosophy.. she used to hate me in 8th grade but we became friends  freshman year with my other friend Jesssica Morales loll. like I have many close friends that I can write about all dayy... but no one gives a fuck....but yea basically I think of all these people and the rest of close friends when I hear the word together..... But jut to clarify... i feel really lucky to have a good amount of CLOSE friends as opposed to just a friend. A close friend is somebody you can trust and feel comfortable with...where as a friend probably won't be our friend after highschool.... i hope that me and good friends stay Together for a long time.


So i'm never really alone. I have two brothers so there is never a dull moment at home. and I love all of my close friends and enjoy being with them. However, I prefer to be alone. BELIEVE IT OR NOT I have always been a shy and conservative person. I like to keep a lot of things bottled up and I don't want to deal with other peoples fake-ness and bullshit. I'm not saying that everyone is fake but to be honest i could care less about other peoples problems and drama. I know that sounds heartless. It's not like I don't care about anyone or anything. It just depends on what it is. But the majority of the time people my age care about the dumbest shit like relationships that are not going to last and they try so hard to be with a douche lord type of guy. They care too much about what other people think and do extreme unnecessary shit to be "perfect". the list goes on. I just basically prefer to be alone because I feel more comfortable. Some people need followers or a group of people always around them to feel comfortable which I can understand but some other people, like me, can just be comfortable being independent... i guess that's a big thing that plays into it. I am very independent and I don't base what I do on other peoples opinions and I don't anyone to help me or "hold my hand" through most the shit I do. I view being dependent as weak. You are never going to learn or make it in the world if you are too fuckin dependent. That's like one of  my biggest pet peeves..... yeah that is basically it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Save The Earth, Do This!

Everyone should stop littering. It's nasty and it annoys me.... just throw it in the trash it's not that hard.
everyone shouldn't excessively use un-necessary light in their house, It's a waste.
turn your water off while brushing your teeth. It saves water.
recycle rain water and use it to water plants or however you like your rain water.
recycle cans and bottles and paper.
try to make your loads of laundry and dishes in the dish washer bigger in order to save water.
You can carpool with people to decrease the amount of pollution cars cause.
make a compost it's fun
unplug plugs that aren't in use.
ride your bike, it's fun.
go for a jog.
make a greenhouse it's fun
plant some flowers , it's fun
That is all.

Friday, April 8, 2011


I don't know what this means. I'm guessing it's about the book which unload sorta read. Like I've skipped around. Jdiebsnehsj I spelled invisible wrong up above but I'm on my iPod and it's being stupid and says I spelled it right.

Book Review

The diary of a wimpy kid is a good book. At least that's what I heard I saw the movie and it was the cutest thing that I have ever seen.